Game made for Brackeys Game Jam 20224.1 with the theme of What's behind the door?

Feeling lucky? Choose your path through the dungeon filled with dangerous creatures trying to stop you, no worries tho, find and use items wisely and you'll be golden, quite literally even! So hop on and have fun! 

Back to game jamy stuff... Game was made in the span of 7 days... did not get any work free days so time was compromised.  Premise of this game is that you need to understand mechanics by experimenting yourself but I understand that not everything is obvious so there is a little:


-Use mouse to choose doors, pick up items, open chests and use items

- Use items on consume icon to... well consume them, and keep it sane ok?

- Use items on enemies to fight or aflict effects

-Keys open locks like usual

- Fist goes punch punch or knock knock

-Potion of healing heals yada yada...

-Chesse is tasty

-Crowbar, oh that's preety usefull can bend bars, open locked doors and whatnot


DungeonDilemaWin.rar 21 MB


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very fun game! i just don't like the fact that you can get a key inside of a locked chest, but aside from that, it is great!

Thanks for playing! Yup, it's a little dissapointing when you get key, but at least it did not bite you, did not have time to add that